Heavy Equipment Shipping

Heavy Haul Trucking Transport Scams


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Don’t Get Caught In a Heavy Haul Trucking Transport Scam

When you hire a long-distance equipment hauling company, you expect to receive quick, reliable, safe delivery of whatever you are transporting. When you sign a contract, and agree on a price, the expectation is that the company will treat that contract with respect, and honor every aspect including paying the drivers and technicians that help achieve that move.

Unfortunately, scams happen—and often the people that suffer the most are the drivers themselves, as well as the clients.

But do not fear—with careful planning and research you can choose a reliable transport company.

The Most Common Heavy Haul Trucking Scams

The forms of these scams can be very complicated and sophisticated, which makes it difficult to figure them out. Still, it helps to be aware of what some of these scams look like.

1. Similar, But Not Quite Right:  
In this scam, a company might use a name that is similar to a reputable company, or the name seems off somehow in their correspondence with you. This could be unintentional, as a new company tries to gain business by connecting themselves with well-known companies. Or, it could be an intentional use of a similar name, hoping that the customer (and the driver) believes they are actually dealing with the more reputable company.

To avoid this scam, read company names carefully. Do research about their reputation, reliability, etc. And never hand over cash before receiving a shipping confirmation.

2. Clones Exist:
In this scam, a company clones the website of an existing company—including services, blog posts, and other details. How can you tell the difference? According to an article entitled, “Attack of the Clones: How to Avoid the Website Cloning Trap”

“The clone site can look exactly like the original one, barring a very small change in the URL, or web address.”

This sounds intimidating, doesn’t it? Look carefully at web addresses, correspondence, and even the language of communications. Hover over links to see where they are pointing—for example a “.net” is somewhat sketchier than a “.com”. Also look for secure websites that are indicated by HTTPS and have a padlock in front of it.

An example of a secure website is here:

Secure Website


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3. No Pay for You:
This scam ultimately affects the drivers, especially independent transport drivers, but can also affect you—the customer—if transport companies suffer because of it.  Basically, it breaks down to a driver delivering a load and then being denied payment for a variety of reasons.

As a client, you can help by asking the complex questions of the transport companies—like when and how they expect payment from you, and how they pay their drivers.

Don’t be Afraid—Be Vigilant!

All of this might make you think, “how can I trust anyone?!” Fortunately, there are many honest, trustworthy, reliable, and reputable companies out there that will provide all of your heavy load transportation needs in a timely manner. Still there are always things you can do before you sign a contract or load your belongings onto a transport. Here is a handy-dandy checklist to get you started.

how to avoid trucking scams chart


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Ship Securely With ShipLux

By asking the right questions, and being alert to possibilities, you will be sure to receive your shipment without damage or financial loss to yourself or your driver. The first step always begins with a shipping quote.When getting started, reach out to a variety of car transport companies to ask questions regarding your shipping needs. Reputable companies like ShipLux will provide a no-obligation, transparent, and reliable shipping quote, which explains the details of all aspects of transporting your vehicle. At ShipLux, we have specialists standing by 24/7 to answer any and all of your questions and concerns – before, during, and after your shipping journey, so you never have to worry.

Stay aware and contact ShipLux today!


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